It isn't your imagination - look at these facts:
Facial muscle strains from making 'the yuck face' are up 86% since 2003.
People aged 40+ are experiencing eye-roll-related injuries at epidemic levels.
Doctor's agree: Cringe-related injuries have been increasing steadily since since 2008.
The cause?
Politician, journalist, and celebrity behavior.
It is making all forms of media unwatchable, if not downright dangerous!
You can now stop being burdened by what has been, because there is a solution: Cringe-Away!
Cringe-Away will remove those stubborn morons infesting your screen.
Cringe-Away is specially formulated to work on:
Vapid celebrities endorsements
Platitude-spouting politicians
Journalists debasing themselves to support a political party
Fake outrage from real people
Real outrage from fake people
...and much, much more!
Simply point the Cringe-Away sprayer at the offensive content, using the convenient "kung fu grip" spray trigger. Wait 3-5 seconds, then wipe away the image with any microfiber cloth (not included) and continue your viewing virtue-signal free!
Sold wherever you buy pest repellent in convenient 15 and 30 oz bottles
Or purchase our New! backpack sprayer with 5 gallon "Load and Go" cartridges (Patent Pending) for election years!
Political nonsense, every day?
Don't roll your eyes, use Cringe-Away!
Statistics: Posted by Panem Et Circenses — 11/5/2024, 11:59 am — Replies 3 — Views 1096